Heat Pump / Air Conditioning high wall range
Compact Hi-Wall Premier
This extremely popular heat pump range is very compact with smart flat panel fascia and the most advanced engineering within. Fantastic energy savings are achieved with Fujitsu’s improved heat exchange technology as well as offering near silent operation, healthy fresh air filters and many more extra features.
These new models in the e3 Series now have a built-in wireless LAN interface, so you can control your Heat Pump from your smartphone or tablet.
3.2kW of Heating
3.7kW of Heating
ASTG18KMCB 6.0kW of Heating
ASTG22KMCB 7.2kW of Heating
ASTG24KMCB 8.0kW of Heating
9.0kW of Heating
10.3kW of Heating

One mobile device can control up to 24 indoor units remotely. Multiple devices can also control a single unit.

Built-in wireless LAN interface. By using the built-in LAN adaptor and the FGL Air app, the Heat Pump system can be controlled from anywhere, anytime.

The e3 R32 Thermodynamic System can deliver higher energy efficiency. Even more energy savings can be achieved with Fujitsu’s twin rotary DC compressor, DC Inverter control and DC fan motor technologies.
The ASTG09KMCA has achieved a “STAR RATING” of 5.0 for both heating and cooling.
Other higher capacity models in this range have also achieved superior high energy efficiency.
Human sensor control
When movement is not detected the energy save mode activates, and the capacity is reduced until the sensor detects human movement again.
Human presence is detected in the room accurately by pyroelectric infrared sensor, which has a range 6 metres, between 90 degrees vertically and 100 degrees horizontally.

The diffuser operated automatically to match the heating or cooling mode. The result is faster, more efficient comfort.

This smart, very thin and easy-to-use remote has a large LCD display and a one-touch button.Sleep timer
The set temperature is gradually stepped down to match your body’s requirements as you fall asleep, and then is automatically and gradually stepped back up before waking.There are many new, unique features:

The e3 Series gives you 7-day ‘set-andforget’ control, if you wish.
ON/OFF timer can be set four times per day, so you can set any program to suit your lifestyle.
The set temperature is gradually stepped down to match your body’s requirements as you fall asleep, and then is automatically and gradually stepped back up before waking.
20 minutes continuous ‘extra power’ boost, to give you rapid heating or cooling whenever you want it.
Low noise mode for outdoor unit
The low noise button on the remote controller makes it easy to switch the outside unit to low noise.
10°C HEAT operation
The room temperature can be set to go no lower than 10C, thus ensuring that the room never gets too cold when not occupied
Economy Operation
This energy saving operation lowers power consumption by cutting the maximum current. It is selected with just one touch on your controller.
Super quiet
ALL Fujitsu Hi-Wall models are equipped with 4 fan speeds including quiet fan mode, allowing some of the indoor units to operate as low as 21 or 22 decibels (that’s quieter than a human whisper). In addition to this, Fujitsu’s fan technology means that our models are quieter even when working their hardest to quickly heat or cool a room. The e3Series also incorporates quiet mode on the outdoor unit.
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